E-HMS - Inventory and Point of sale (I-POS)

Inventory and Point of sale (I-POS)

Are you struggling to control inventory movements in your warehouse?

Is managing multiple warehouses and stores proving to be challenging?

Are you unable to track discounts and commissions on each sale?

Do you need a tool that supports both wholesale and retail operations? Are you looking to monitor debt collection?

Do you require detailed periodic reports on various products to formulate a suitable business plan?

I-POS is here to enhance your warehouse and sales management capabilities.

I-POS allows you to become an effective warehouse manager, streamlining the IN/OUT/INVENTORY CHECK processes.

Warehouse management with a clear IN/OUT process.

Every receipt or dispatch goes through verification steps, preventing errors and data loss.

I-POS facilitates flexible transfer between warehouses, optimizing the quantity of goods sold.

I-POS allows the management of multiple warehouses and stores within the same system.

Key features:

Warehouse transfer management

Inventory IN/OUT management

Retail order management

Return management

Inventory check management

Product list management

Inventory management

Customer management

Supplier management

Statistical reports on revenue, debt, products, inventory, etc.

Many other features can be customized according to the customer's business model.

Contact us for consultation and a firsthand experience:

Email: linhvm@e-software.vn

Phone: 037 407 0590"
